Monday, February 6, 2012


Thought I'd have a wee break from the coding to write a short piece pertaining to my favourite current flavour of the month Skyrim. Yes, I honestly thought Dark Souls alone would tide me over for a long, long time, but I bought Skyrim on a lark not really thinking I'd get into it and what eventuated was Dark Souls gathering dust in the corner for the following 3 weeks.Let's start with the shitty stuff so I can go out with the good.Skyrim has bugs. The PS3 has a massive, game-breaking (and heart-breaking) lag bug. Your first 60-100 hours will go...

Friday, January 20, 2012

Nathan Langdon (Complete)

Phew! Well I have basically blown the first month of Insanity 3 development on escalating my Zbrush/3ds max mastery. Definitely approaching an intermediate level of skill with both programs now. I'll add more to this post later on when I have a minute to type, watch this spa...

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Early design concepts for The Insanity 3

Happy New Year!Just a little post about horror game concepts and my ideas towards the game. -Fear of the unknown is the really the key to any good horror movie/game. Murky darkness in a claustrophobic environment;moody ambiance, and the occasional glimpse of something quite terrifying sparkling in the shadows. The trouble with the Point'n'Click genre is that it doesn't lend...

Thursday, December 8, 2011

First Draft Insanity 3 characters

Crow character. Will be adding wings and some feather textures.BearWolf.Early Nathan Lang...

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Foto Terbaru Jembatan Mahakam Kukar yang Runtuh

Foto Terbaru Jembatan Mahakam Kukar yang Runtuh – Robohnya jembatan Sungai Mahakam Kutai Kartanegara sungguh mengejutkan. Sebab, jembatan itu terbilang bangunan baru. Inilah foto ambruknya jembatan tersebut. ____________________...

Video Real Madrid vs Atletico Madrid 27 November 2011 | Liga Spanyol

Video Real Madrid vs Atletico Madrid 27 November 2011 | Liga Spanyol - Real Madrid mengalahkan Atletico Madrid dengan skor 4-1 pada lanjutan Liga Spanyol Minggu 27 November 2011 dinihari WIB. Inilah video pertandingan derby tersebut. ____________________...

Hasil Skor Real Madrid vs Atletico dan Barcelona vs Getafe 27 Nov 2011

Hasil Skor Real Madrid vs Atletico dan Barcelona vs Getafe 27 Nov 2011 - Real Madrid memperlebar jarak dari pesaing terdekatnya Barcelona. Itu seiring hasil berbeda yang diraih kedua tim. Pada lanjutan Liga Spanyol Minggu 27 November 2011 dinihari WIB, Madrid menekuk Atletico 4-1. Sedangkan Barca menyerah 0-1 dari tuan rumah Getafe. Empat gol Madrid ke gawang Atletico dicetak Cristiano Ronaldo (2 gol), Angel di Maria dan Higuain. Sementara, sebiji gol Getafe ke gawang Barca dihasilkan Juan Valera meneruskan sepak pojok. Itu merupakan kekalahan...