Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Blogger is behaving today.Here are the other bosses that have been created so far;EVILKA pyscho based on LeatherFace who tries to carve you up with a chainsaw. EvilK is a shite name for a game boss, but leaves no mystery as to which flash coder authored the original game, in the case of E.Baum or another criminal stealing it and claiming property rights. The showdown with...

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Apologies for a long absence..

No excuses, other than myself being lazy to update I'm afraid. Well, not exactly lazy- in fact pretty busy. Not with chasing hot babes and driving fast cars, worse luck, but with coding.I ran into a coding problem with Nexus and decided to drop the project temporarily. I hit a brick wall and realised I don't have the programming know-how to deal with the ever fiddly tile-engine....