Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Back at the helm..

So, for the past month or so I've been a little busy. My wedding is on the 4th of November, and I've been up to my ears in prep. I'm actually already married so the whole event feels a little pointless, yet this is how they do it in Japan- marriage at the local registry first, wedding later on in the year. I took a coding hiatus from The Damned for a while in order to work...

Friday, October 6, 2006

Well howdya do..I wasn't going to bother to blog today, but my little peach is asleep already, and here I am. I figured out a little trick today. Have you noticed that all my demo's run a little bit faster now, yes? Well, want to know the secret?RAMP UP THE FPS ON YOUR GAMES. BIG TIME. I know, I know, every respected programmer will beg you never to go over 30 fps - because do you know - the poor cheap bastards out there who haven't upgraded their PC since 1999 and can only dream of figures and specifications such as 64mb ram and 1.4 ghz won't...